Call for Abstracts

The Call for Abstracts is now CLOSED.

If you wish to still be considered to present an abstract at the Garrod Symposium, please send your abstract as word document (including all relevant information – see below) to Jo at Please note: there is no guarantee that your abstract will be selected for presentation.


Abstract Submission Guidelines

Submissions must clearly indicate the following:


  • Title – use sentence case (capitalize first word and remaining words begin in lower case). Provide a succinct title. Ideally, the title should contain a reference to the study design.
  • Authors/ Affiliation
  • Abstract Body
    • Length 250 words (not including title, authors and affiliations, keywords)
    • Tables/Figures: Not permitted
    • Format: Objectives:/Design and Methods:/Results:/Conclusions
  • Keywords – maximum of 5
  • Funding Acknowledgement – if required
  • Granting Agency and Number – (e.g. Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation 2012-017)

Please also note the following submission guidelines:

  1. Writing must be concise, clear, and grammatically correct.
  2. Technical information pertaining to observations and conclusions cannot be withheld for proprietary reasons. It is not acceptable to state that “results will be discussed”.
  3. The abstract paragraph cannot exceed 250 words and is to be written in single-space.
  4. Tables and figures are not permitted.
  5. Special characters should instead be written out, for example micromol/L instead of μmol/L.
  6. All abbreviations should be defined when first used.
  7. If used, references should be given in parentheses without authors or title by provided Index-Medicus-listed Journal abbreviations without punctuation followed by year, volume number and inclusive page numbers. (Example: Clin Biochem 2002;35:151-169).
  8. All presenting authors must register for the conference and pay the registration fees in order to qualify for oral/poster presentation and abstract publication. Abstracts of attendees that are not present at the conference will not be published.