Conference Presentations

Please find below the pdf versions of the conference presentations. These materials are posted with the speakers’ consent. If the session you are looking for is not listed below, this means that the speaker did not allow for his/her presentation to be available online. We may continue to add presentations, so please check back for updates.

Pre Conference: Thursday January 25, 2018

AM 2 – Session 1: Ready or Not!?! A Practical Reframe of Readiness in the Early Years
Presenters: Moray Mclean & Sandra-Lynn Shortall

AM 2 – Session 2: Using Funds of Knowledge to Support Successful Transition to School for Children with Developmental Delays
Presenter: Jacquelene Gibbs

AM 4 – Session 2: Understanding Relationships between Negative Food Experiences in Early Childhood and Subsequent Feeding and Eating Disruptions: Responding with Trauma Informed, Attachment Based Interventions
Presenters: Andrea Chatwin, Joanne Crandall

PM1 – Session 1: Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) as a Core to System Leadership
Presenters: Joanne Schroeder, Sally McBride, Pippa Rowcliffe

PM4 – Session 1: Trauma-Informed Practice for Community-Based Practitioners
Presenters: Mary Motz, Margaret Leslie

Main Conference: Friday January 26, 2018

Plenary. The Social Ecology of Resilience: Nice Ways Families and Communities Nurture a Child’s Wellbeing

Presenter: Michael Ungar
PDF Presentation HERE

A4. Canadian 24-Hour Moveent Guidelines for the Early Years (0-4 years): An Integration of Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour, and Sleep
Presenters: Mark Tremblay, Valerie Carson, Guy Faulkner, Casey Gray

A7. Supporting Children’s Resilience through Play
Presenter: Jessica Chisholm

A8ii. Baby Group – From Fragile Beginnings to Strong Futures
Presenters: Dawn Grunert, Dee O’Connor, Cheryl Fertich

B3. HELP’s Program of Research as Tools to Understand Aboriginal Children’s Wellbeing in BC
Presenters: Duane Jackson, Laranna Androsoff

B6. Reaching Millennial Parents: What Today’s Parents Know, Do and Believe About Parenting and Early Development
Presenters: Rebecca Parlakian, Jodi Whiteman

B8. The Intersection of FASD and Infant Mental Health: Applying a Trauma-Informed Lens for Children in the Child Welfare System
Presenters: Mary Motz, Margaret Leslie

Plenary. Early Adversity and Lifelong Health: Risk and Resilience

Presenter: Sarah Enos Watamura
PDF Presentation HERE

Main Conference: Saturday January 27, 2018

Plenary. Tots and Today’s Technology

Presenter: Sarah R. Lytle

C3. Sound to Meaning
Presenters: Marlene Lewis, Janet Gibson

C4. The Interface Between Mothers with Experiences of Trauma and Children’s Mental Health Services
Presenter: Erika Ono

C6. Building the Pathway of Change
Presenters: Sheila Grieve, Joan Gignac, Marc Lalonde

C7. Building Resiliency in Families
Presenters: Johanna Martens, Gloria Cleve

C8i. Understanding the Why: Parents Beliefs About Mobile Devices for Infants and Toddlers
Presenter: Michaela Wooldridge

C8ii. Parental Awareness of Pediatric Screen Time Recommendations and Screen Time Use in Children Less than Two Years of Age
Presenters: Annie Lau, Wendy Hall, Florence Escandor, Reda Wilkes

D3. Creating Culturally-Safe and Trauma-Informed Physical Activity Programming for Pregnant and Parenting Aboriginal Women in the Downtown Eastside (DTES): A Community Based Approach
Presenters: Jessica Webb, Francine Darroch, Robyn Fabiosa

D5. How to Incorporate Family Support into Your Work and Why it’s Important: Lessons from Family Resource Programs
Presenters: Sherry Sinclair, Gini Bonner, Diane Elliot-Buckley, Mary Johnston

D6. Chésha7 Mixálh ménmeń: Attachment in the Classroom
Presenters: Tanya Brown, Sonya Vellet

D7. Building Friendships: One Step at a Time on a Journey to Belonging
Presenter: Marta Carlucci

D8. “You are My Sunshine…” How an Intergenerational Parent-Child Mother Goose Program® Cultivates Brain Development and Creates Community Through Song
Presenters: April Martin-Ko, Maureen Doll, Patricia Asbun

D9i. Make the Connection 0-1 Parenting Program Makes a Difference – Results of an Outcome Evaluation
Presenters: Mary Ann Gargano-Lucanie, Michele Antunesr

D9ii. Fostering Resiliency through Strengthening Connections and Coping Skills
Stress Tool Handout (PDF)
Presenter: Cindy Andrew

Plenary. The 4 R’s: A Unique Perspective on Resilience, Relationships, Respect and Reconciliation

Presenter: Monique Gray Smith