Call for Abstracts is now closed. Thank you for your submissions.
View the Advance Notice & Call for Abstracts.
For presenters of accepted abstracts, the conference does not cover honoraria, accommodation, travel or other associated expenses. For 3-hour or 90-minute abstracts one presenter will receive complimentary admission. Additional presenters, including oral paper and poster presenters, will be asked to register. Presenters must be comfortable presenting and answering questions in English.
Abstract Format
Submissions can be in any of the following formats:
3-hour half-day session
Presentations should address a relevant conference topic area.
90-minute session
Presentations should address a relevant conference topic area (1-5 presenters).
15-minute oral paper
Oral papers should be succinct presentations of innovative projects or research and should address a relevant conference topic area.
Young/New Investigators
This will be an opportunity to present on a research interest in five minutes, with a maximum of five slides.
Posters will be displayed for the duration of the conference. Poster board size is 4’x8′ (1.2×2.4m) and all materials must fit within this space.
Abstract Guidelines
Abstracts must be submitted through the online electronic submission form at
Accepted presenters should presuppose prior audience knowledge of FASD.
Please include the following information: Format Style, Primary Topic Area (see below – the areas are listed as suggestions only and are not intended to be restrictive), Title, Author(s), Presenter(s), Presentation Level (Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced), Address, Phone/Fax Numbers, Email Addresses, Organizations/Affiliations, a brief biography outlining your FASD experience (75 words max.), and Presentation Summary (500 words max.) including objectives, methods, results, conclusion. All abstracts must include 2-4 learning objectives.
If you are submitting a 3-hr or a 90-min session, the presentation must address what you believe to be the broader relevance of your work to the field, and provide a brief 50-word description of your session to be inserted into the program brochure if your abstract is accepted for presentation.
Conference Topic Areas
Please choose one primary category which best fits your presentation:
Addictions | Economics | Indigenous | Prevention |
Biomedical | Education | Intervention/Support | Screening |
Clinical | Epigenetics | Justice/Legal | Social Justice |
Community | Ethics | Men | Social Services |
Cultural | Family | Mental Health | Women |
Diagnosis & Assessment | Health | Policy |
If you have questions or trouble with your online submission, please contact Kathryn, or call +1.604.822.7708